Late Yet Still On Time

Good evening, Brie. It’s Wednesday.

At approximately 9:07pm, as I was walking home from my Spoken Word class, the following thought popped into my head:

Ohshitdamnfuck, I didn’t post today.

To be fair, there is still time, as evident that this post still qualifies as an addition to the Quotidian Project on the 19th, but this is very strange for me. I am a morning poster. I get it done early so there is no way I can forget to post.

The trouble started when Google Drive wouldn’t open my Quotidian Project folder this morning. How rude, and oh, what’s this, new music from The Doubleclicks and emails to look and an oh, damn it is time to go to work, what I was trying to accomplish, again?

An Open Letter To Socks

Dear Socks,

It has come to my attention
That our closeness flip flops when I mention
The changing of the seasons
And I have but one reason: temperature
You see, Summer comes around
My feet should be unbound
Hating to be confined
By sock and shoe combined: adventure
But when days grow colder
My affection for you is bolder
Letting you slip past my ankle
For your warmth I am thankful: nurturer
Knee high and sweet designs
Round my legs you bind
Until Summer hits again
And our friendship suspends: irregular

Sometimes yours,

(Post Script: Also, I recorded that Sound Poem I was talking about a while back.)